California-based investment firm SP Investment Fund is at the forefront of investing capital in emergent technologies in the life sciences, robotics, and biotechnology fields. One such investment is SP Investment Fund's investment in the laboratory equipment manufacturer OpenTrons, which aims to streamline routine procedures in the biotechnology industry.
OpenTrons develops robots and open-source software that allow biologists to automate pipetting and other repetitive tasks. Currently, performing these sensitive tasks reduces the amount of time biologists can devote to analytics and other important work. While there are automated machines on the market, many are too expensive for smaller labs. Further, configuring these machines can be complex, and require intense training to operate properly.
OpenTrons hardware, labware and workstations offer easy-to-use and customizable pipetting machines at an affordable price point. The accompanying software allows biologists to program endless combinations of workflows and protocols with little specialized training. The company's use of open-source software also encourages the development of proprietary add-ons. For example, researchers at the Mayo Clinic created FusX, a gene-editing system that they now employ using OpenTrons technology.